Justice For Men

Justice For Men Council

Save Men Save Country

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About Us


We strongly believe that each one of us can stand by other in the time of need like a sibling, and that is why we placed “Save Men Save Country” as the tagline of Justice For Men Council.

Justice For Men Council seeks to secure real equality on the ground, beyond empty slogans aimed at winning elections that merely obfuscate the efforts of countless public-spirited citizens and members of civil society over the years and bring no real improvement in the dispensation. We believe that equality is backed by equal access to opportunity, to justice, to economic change, to visibility and redressal of grievances that fester because of multiple systemic lacunae in the Indian social, cultural , political, economic and legal system.

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Our Mission

We will not allow any man to get involved in unnecessary cases, which ladies deliberately do wrong cases.

Our Plan

Justice for men work to facilitate development activities in both the general population of the society.

Our Vision

We always stand for men at any time as like a sibling and the motto of justice for men Council "save men save country".

Our Care

It care to secure the real equality on the ground of the society.



Hours Of Support



Wrong Cases

The wrong cases more serious where while Liberty of petitioner also the right to live with dignity available under article 21

Victim of Misunderstanding

Perhaps the biggest reason for Miss communication and miss understanding is a disparity of few points in other words the two parties can have a different idea of what the subject of the conversation means.This is due to mental models.

Intentionally Harass

It means knowing and willful course of conduct directed at a specific student which seriously alarms annoying and which is serves no ligtimate purpose

Blackmailing a Man

Blackmailing ,whether directed towards a male character may be spelled using humour

Pressure on Men

The person of society things Men should not be a sensitive and emotional this pressure of society on men steers to the path of aggressiveness and violence

Wrong Dowry Cases

False dowry cases are dealt with under Section 498A of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 which clearly states that if the husband or any relative of the husband of a woman, subjects her to any form of cruelty, shall be punished with imprisonment for three years along with a fine

Call To Action

We love to hear from you please send your queries.

Call To Action


Their team delivered the service in time and within the price quoted. Hardworking team members who delivered all goals to our satisfaction.

Adil Sharfuddin


Observe good faith and justice toward all nations. These council has been a pleasure work..

Preeti Varshney


It has been a pleasure working with you. Thank you for your support throughout the service. I trust that we will soon have new projects to work on together..

Dr. V.K. Singh


There really can be no peace without man justice. justice for men Council do good and support every man.


Special Educator

Mens capacity for justice makes democracy possible these team member work hard and give a time for mens justice.

Ram Kunwar

Sports Coach

Meet Our Team

Deven Jha

National President

Ranjana Jha

Active Partner

Jatinder Sodhi

Canada President

Snigdha Jha


Frequently Asked Questions

Check out some of the common questions

  • What is the ground of arrest under section 498A?

    Since 498A is a cognizable offence, a police office may make an arrest if he receives a complaint which shows to fulfill the ingredients of 498A, which are cruelty done to a wife by husband or/and his relatives.

  • If anybody practices cruelty, or demands the dowry, the person would be accountable to be prosecuted criminally for an offence under Section 498 A. “Victim” in DV can approach the Magistrate with an application complaining of Domestic Violence. Victim can ask for various reliefs mentioned in the provision. The reliefs can be like maintenance, shelter, custody of child etc.. Court may pass sentence as well.

  • Sole custody means that the child lives with only one parent. Shared legal custody means that both parties have equal input and the right to determine, jointly, all aspects relating to the legal custody of the child.

  • Having legal custody of children means that you are responsible for making decisions about the important things in their lives. Physical custody refers to where the children live on a regular basis.

  • The power under Section 127 of CRPC flows from Section 125 Crpc itself, any person who receives, a monthly allowance under section 125 of Crpc for the maintenance or interim maintenance, such as wife, child, father or mother, the Magistrate can make such alteration in monthly allowance depends on proof of a change in the circumstances of the appropriate case. Alteration in allowance and Enforcement of order of maintenance are defined under Section 127 of CRPC 1973.


We love to hear from you please send your queries.


Office No. B-13, Ist Floor, Bhawani Market, Atta Near Noida Sector-18 Metro Station Gate No. 1, Uttar Pradesh 201301



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