Justice For Men

About Us

We strongly believe that each one of us can stand by other in the time of need like a sibling, and that is why we placed “Save Men Save Country” as the tagline of Justice For Men Council.

Justice For Men Council seeks to secure real equality on the ground, beyond empty slogans aimed at winning elections that merely obfuscate the efforts of countless public-spirited citizens and members of civil society over the years and bring no real improvement in the dispensation. We believe that equality is backed by equal access to opportunity, to justice, to economic change, to visibility and redressal of grievances that fester because of multiple systemic lacunae in the Indian social, cultural , political, economic and legal system.

Justice For Men Council seeks to secure real equality on the ground, beyond empty slogans aimed at winning elections that merely obfuscate the efforts of countless public-spirited citizens and members of civil society over the years and bring no real improvement in the dispensation. We believe that equality is backed by equal access to opportunity, to justice, to economic change, to visibility and redressal of grievances that fester because of multiple systemic lacunae in the Indian social, cultural , political, economic and legal system.

Hours Of Support
Our Mission

We will not allow any man to get involved in unnecessary cases, which ladies deliberately do wrong cases

Our Plan

Justice for men work to facilitate development activities in both the general population of the society.

Our Vision

We always stand for men at any time as like a sibling and the motto of justice for men Council "save men save country".

Our Care

It care to secure the real equality on the ground of the society.

Meet Our Team

Deven Jha

Deven Jha

National President
Ranjana Jha

Ranjana Jha

Active Partner
Jatinder Sodhi

Jatinder Sodhi

Canada President
Snigdha Jha

Snigdha Jha


Our Supporter Partner